
Monday, March 30, 2009

Lots of exciting stuff!

EEK! I managed to use 2 of the most hated words (at least according to my mom) in the English language in one title! ("Lots of" and "stuff"). But I don't know how to describe it any other way!
Here's 2 pictures as a teaser.

This weekend I:
1. Broke a new team (pair) in on the breaking cart. Pictured above is my current ambulance team (Gunsmoke and Buttercup). They are busy breaking me in for the new season.....after they were finished with me, I started my new team (Griddlecake and Gringo).
2. Drove Minx for the first time (probably the first time she's been hooked up since the track!. Blurry picture above.
3. Checked out a new trailhead (I should start to put together a comprehensive "central California" trail list for other endurance riders)
4. Received my new Renegade boots!
5. Received a response from Farley's breeder/trainer. I have all sorts of interesting background history on her now.
6. Took comprehensive pictures of the artillery tack. Should be great fodder for a set of educational posts.
So please stay tuned! I have some great material for the next week.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun! Looking forward to the continuation!


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