
Friday, December 16, 2011

Contest!!!! - REVISED

EDITED - the prize is now vet related and will be surprise :)

Because contests make everything more fun....I am officially announcing the "guess Mel's test score" for the musculockeletal block midterm this afternoon.

Here's the details.  This exam is worth 180 points.  90 of those points are a (2 hour) in-class multiple choice exam (we think), and 90 points are assigned to a lab practical (3 hour) - evaluating radiographs, id'ing bones, joints and structures of the skeleton, and palpating live animals.

On previous tests in different blocks, I've gotten everything from perfect scores, to D's - and everything inbetween.  There is usually a direct correlation between how much I studied and my test scores.  I have studied more for the practical portion, than the biology/multiple choice part.

I'm not worried about passing this exam - but I'm not in A+ mode either.  

What will be my point score?  (out of 180 points)

Winner receives a $10 gift certificate from either,, or starbucks - your choice :) A very cool vet related, fun gift. :)

It will probably take a week or more for scores to post, so feel free to guess away until then - I will post in the comments when the contest is closed. 

More exciting posts to come post-test - including more thoughts from working at the teaching hospital yesterday.


  1. Let's go wild here and say....160.


  2. Heeeey! Is it "closest but not over" or "closest"?

    143. (Don't hit me! Somebody's gotta guess low!)

  3. I have confidence in you! I guess 170.5 points, because you'll do something amazing that will account for the extra .5

  4. 162 points and we're all proud of you!!

  5. 3 hours down, 2 to go.

    Finished with lab practicle and onto the biology concepts from lecture in a scantron, multiple choice exam.

    Feeling good - definitely passing. :)

  6. errr, is there any extra credit available?

    I'm guessing 168. good luck!

  7. I'm still alive! Very very happy to be on break - lots to do in the 3 weeks of course.

    I absolutely got some of the questions wrong - but so far only one question that I wanted to hit myself upside the head for because the answer was OBVIOUS and I definitely got it wrong. :). It of course came to me last night just as I was drifting off to sleep.

    My family is celebrating Xmas today, so no new posts, but don't worry - they are coming.

    How does a PhD sound after vet school?


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