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Wednesday, May 2, 2012


You know you aren't spending enough time with your horse when you start giving your horse dog commands. 

"break"!  I said as a took off her halter tonight.


I'm pretty sure that I've never said "break" to Farley in my life. 

She took it to mean she could walk off and eat her hay.

Working on a post (shhhhh....don't tell anyone since I really should be studying for my final on friday....) but need to get to bed so I, showing great control and restraint, saved it in draft form.  Must.Study.And.Pass.Block. 

And go catch the puppy.  Who is running around the backyard at top speed growly and barking her head off in a full set of zoomies and probably wants to engage me in a fine game of chase, tug, and how-dilated-can-my-eyes-get.  Me thinketh that she was in a "high" mood all day and had to practice considerable restraint in order to half-way behave herself most of the day.......Note self --> give her more opportunities to blow off steam during the day. 


  1. ...or givd your spouse horse commands....

  2. Ha! And no, I'm not in bed yet.

  3. Hmm...Break sounds like a good verbal in the situation you describe. I may start using it.

    I use something undefined right now (2 pats and an "OK", but a consistent, unique command communicating that they are free to bolt after the halter is removed is a good idea.

    BTW: I use horse commands on dogs all the time.


  4. That's exactly what "break" means in my dog training --> it's my release cue. I don't use "OK" because I say it too much. I have other release cues too for special situations, but "break" is my formal one that means "you are released from your present position and can move towards the next behavior which I will cue you for by either body or verbal". My "go free cue" is different for the dog, but I wouldn't bother establishing multiple release cues for my horse right now (at least not for what I'm doing).


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